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What To Eat In Argentina Best Argentinian Food List Food You Should Try

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Table of Contents

  1. What are empanadas?
  2. What are salteñas?
  3. What is corn flour?
  4. What are plantain empanadas?
  5. What is viento?

What are empanadas?

Empanadas are a type of pastry that originated in Spain and are now popular throughout Latin America. They are made by folding dough around a filling, which can be sweet or savory. The dough is typically made with flour, water, and fat, such as butter or lard. The filling can vary widely depending on the region and personal preferences. Empanadas are usually baked or fried until golden brown and can be served as a snack or a main course.

Empanadas are a versatile food that can be filled with a wide variety of ingredients. Some common savory fillings include beef, chicken, cheese, and vegetables. Sweet empanadas often contain fruit fillings, such as apples, peaches, or strawberries. The fillings can be seasoned with herbs, spices, and sauces to add flavor and depth.

In Latin America, empanadas are a popular street food and are often served with salsa or chimichurri sauce. They are also a traditional dish for special occasions and celebrations. Different countries and regions have their own variations of empanadas, each with its own unique flavors and preparations.

What are salteñas?

Salteñas are a type of empanada that originated in Bolivia, specifically in the city of Salta. They are known for their unique shape and spicy filling. Salteñas are typically smaller than other empanadas and have a distinctive spiral pattern on the top. The dough used for salteñas is made with wheat flour and is slightly sweetened with sugar and fat, such as butter or lard.

The filling of salteñas is what sets them apart from other empanadas. It is a combination of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and spices. The meat used is usually beef, but chicken and pork can also be used. The filling is cooked with a special sauce that includes ingredients such as onions, garlic, cumin, paprika, and chili peppers. The sauce gives the salteñas their characteristic spicy and flavorful taste.

Salteñas are typically baked rather than fried, which gives them a crispy exterior and a soft, moist interior. They are often enjoyed as a breakfast food or as a mid-morning snack. Salteñas are a beloved traditional food in Bolivia and are considered a national dish.

What is corn flour?

Corn flour is a type of flour made from ground corn kernels. It is commonly used in Latin American cuisine, particularly for making tortillas, tamales, and empanadas. Corn flour is gluten-free and has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor.

To make corn flour, dried corn kernels are first soaked in an alkaline solution, such as lime water, to remove the outer hulls. The corn is then ground into a fine powder, which is the corn flour. The alkaline solution helps to break down the corn's tough outer layer and improves its nutritional value by making certain nutrients more available.

Corn flour is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. In addition to empanadas, it is often used to make cornbread, pancakes, and fritters. It can also be used as a thickening agent in soups, stews, and sauces.

What are plantain empanadas?

Plantain empanadas, also known as empanadas de plátano, are a variation of traditional empanadas that are made with ripe plantains. Plantains are a type of banana that is larger and starchier than the sweet bananas commonly eaten as a fruit. They are a staple ingredient in Latin American and Caribbean cuisine.

To make plantain empanadas, ripe plantains are mashed and combined with flour, sugar, and fat to form a dough. The dough is then filled with a sweet or savory filling, similar to traditional empanadas. Sweet plantain empanadas are often filled with a mixture of cinnamon, sugar, and cheese. Savory fillings can include meat, cheese, or vegetables.

Plantain empanadas are typically baked until golden brown and have a slightly crispy exterior and a soft, sweet interior. They can be served as a dessert or as a main course, depending on the filling. Plantain empanadas are a popular dish in many Latin American countries, including Colombia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic.

What is viento?

Viento is a type of empanada that originated in Argentina and is named for its distinctive shape, which resembles a pinwheel or "viento" in Spanish. Viento empanadas are made with a flaky pastry dough and are typically filled with a combination of ham, cheese, and onions.

The dough used for viento empanadas is similar to puff pastry or croissant dough. It is made by layering thin sheets of dough with butter or margarine and then rolling and folding the dough multiple times to create a flaky texture. The dough is then rolled out and cut into circles, which are filled with the ham, cheese, and onion mixture.

Viento empanadas are typically baked until golden brown and have a light and airy texture. They are often served as an appetizer or as a snack with chimichurri sauce. Viento empanadas are a popular food in Argentina and are enjoyed by people of all ages.


Empanadas are a delicious and versatile type of pastry that can be found in various forms across Latin America. From the traditional empanadas of Spain to the unique salteñas of Bolivia, each region has its own take on this beloved dish. Whether filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, or fruit, empanadas are a crowd-pleasing food that can be enjoyed as a snack or a main course. The use of different types of flours, such as corn flour and wheat flour, adds a unique flavor and texture to the dough. Additionally, variations like plantain empanadas and viento empanadas showcase the creativity and diversity of Latin American cuisine. So next time you're craving a tasty and satisfying bite, consider trying one of the many types of empanadas available and experience the rich flavors and culinary traditions of Latin America.

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